Monday, 12 October 2015


Please underline your chosen answer

Q1: Are you a male or a female?            
    male                      female                 other

Q2: What is your age?         
    >17            18 - 25           26 - 30              31 - 40             41<

Q3:  How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?
   >£1               £2 - £5             £6 - £10               £11 - £20              £21 - £30             £31 <

Q4: How often do you read magazines? 
  Never     Once a Month      Once every 2 months     Once every 2 weeks     Once a week     Everyday

Q5: What is your favourite dub-step Genre?
  None    Classic    Chillstep    Drum & Bass   Breakbeat    Brostep     Glitchstep      Rock     Ragga

Q6: Would you prefer a thick magazine or a thin magazine?
                             Thick                    Thin

Q7: What free offer would interest you more?
        CD         Concert Tickets        Vouchers           Posters   

Q8: Whats your current favorite magazine?
  None      Rocksound       Mixmag         Woofah     Rolling Stone      Other
Q9: What magazine topic would interest you more?
  Interviews         Artist's personal life        Fashion         Gossip        Other

Q10: Do you follow a magazine company on social media?
  Yes                No

Q11: Would you like a magazine to follow a certain theme?
  No                    Not concerned                   Yes

Q12: What is the first thing that captures your eye in a magazine?
  Nothing             Title              Image           Masthead        Other

Q13: Do you prefer to have more writing or images in your magazine?
  Writing                    Images                   Other

Q14: What colour would stand out more?
   Cyan         Magenta         Yellow         Black       White      Other

This questionnaire was answered online instead of in person because social media gives us an easier access of the amount of random audience that could answer my questionnaire instead of in person. The reason why I chose to collect online data was because it was easier to get people to answer my questions since I would've have to print out 20 questionnaires in order to question 20 people, instead I asked 20 random people on a social media permission to answer my questions, then I sent them an attachment of this questionnaire. Lastly, judging by their answers I tallied it out on an Edexcel document to sum up my answers in one sheet.

This questionnaire was answered by 20 people 

Conclusion: I have found out that the majority of my target audience will be male with mostly ages varying from 17 and under to 25 years old. My target audience will also likely buy a magazine once every 2 weeks to once every two months. I have also discovered that people are willing to pay from £6 to £10 for a magazine meaning that it does not have to be made out of bad quality and the profit per magazine would be rising. Fortunately, My target audience has also chosen Chill-step as their preferred sub-genre of dub-step following by Drum & bass meaning that I could include it in my magazine as my secondary main topic. The viewers also prefer a thick magazine over a thin one because it has more content to choose from.

I will most likely include free tickets and posters in my magazine because it will attract most of my audience since the questionnaire stated that 6 people close free concert tickets and 7 people chose free posters. This means I could include posters from different popular artists and bands that could appeal most to my target audience, more likely the posters and the tickets will be connecting to my chosen sub genre which is Chill-step.

The audience also has favorite magazines and I have discovered that most people like Mixmag, followed by Rocksound. This suggests that I need to make sure that my magazine will be slightly similar to Mixmag and Rocksound to fit in with my target audience criteria. This means that I have to include their style in my front cover and contents page. I would also need to include articles about Personal lifes of popular music artists and hopefully have an interview in my magazine as well which I'm hoping to have as my general magazine content. The audience is also highly interested into fashion which could mean that I can include that in my magazine as an extra topic.

Most audience would also like to have a certain theme to the magazine whilst other large amount of people do not care about the theme. This could mean I can make a specific theme which could match with my target audience, however I will not include it in my product because changing the theme would cause too much work in a span of  2 weeks which is when the audience reads and buys their magazines most often.

I am also planning to make my main image of the front cover as eye catching as possible because the audience believes that the main image of a cover should be what catches their eye first following by a big title with a thick font to capture the readers attention as that is the second most noticeable thing about the magazine. The audience prefers to have more images rather than more writing meaning that I have to variate my images throughout my issues. Finally, my colour scheme is likely to include yellow and cyan as they are most noticeable colours stated by my target audience, these colours also match with my genre because they look 'futuristic'. I believe these colours could attract more audience to look at my front cover. 

Most of my target audience follow magazine companies on social media. Fortunately, This means that I could make a social media account for my magazine to advertise and expose it to a larger variety of audience which will attract even more viewers. I have chosen to feature these bands because I believe that they meet the criteria of 'chill-step'. These bands are also very popular according to YouTube views.

1 comment:

  1. A very comprehensive piece of research with a great reflection on the answers. Well done.
