Monday 8 February 2016

Production Diary Contents Page

I laid out my plan roughly and started adding detail such as the contents, model etc. I cropped out the model of her original image by using a selection tool and an eraser for smooth edges, then I double clicked on the model's layer and added a shadow. I also added fake eyelashes (taken from google images as a PDF) and tweaked up the colour. I used the same font for my Contents to match with my cover and tried to stick with my colour theme. I also laid out a shadow on the Contents box.

I've decided to make the 'bass' bigger because I wanted the model to be overlapping something. I also wanted the 'Bass' to 'pop out' of the contents page to show what Chill-step genre is all about and to fill in the empty space. I started adding in text, mostly the content's titles which are written in bold.

Here, I decided that the 'Bass' part needed a texture to make it look more interesting and less plain, I googled ''Dub-step texture'" and found a photograph I liked, copied it onto a new layer which was set on 'clipping group'. I also set the texture layer to 'Multiply' above the 'BASS' layer.
I started adding in writing below the bold letters in 'Features'. I also added a photograph of a bass guitar next to the 'BASS' to fill in empty space.

Finally, I added numbers that are leading to the pages of the magazine.

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